Experience an empathic space that nurtures your inner voice

Discover how the Whee! Way™ can strengthen sustainable rhythms, clarify goals and bring life into alignment.

Why Whee! Life?

  • Whee! starts with the premise that even when you desire change, where you are now is OK. Our goal is for you to feel that everything you bring into coaching is seen and heard. Resting in a protected, empathic space is the gateway to peace, clarity, and creativity.

  • In Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer writes, “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” Living an authentic life requires a commitment to respect your inner voice. Many other voices (some from our own mouth) conspire to drown out and contradict the inner voice. At Whee! we passionately fight to make your inner voice heard.

  • Lifestyle is dictated by our repeated rhythms, yet habits can be hard to form (and break)! At Whee! we believe that a tiny, sustained change is worth much more than a big gesture. We major on grace, courage, and risk.

Who is Whee! Life for?

  • Kids launching into adolescence and beyond can surface significant life questions. How does one integrate a changing identity of parenthood and the rhythm changes of more independent children? Let Whee! help you navigate this meaningful and challenging season.

  • Years in the workplace will leave indelible marks on your soul. Some marks are pleasant, or even triumphant. Others are hard and can include burnout and disillusionment. Let Whee! help you rest, reflect, discern, and come to conviction about the right next steps for you.

  • You’ve finished your long educational journey and have started your “real life!” Reaching this major milestone can open the door to a myriad of feelings. Even great situations can be uncomfortable. Let Whee! help you sort through your feelings and encourage you in your next steps.

    Download our flyer to learn more!

  • Retirement on the horizion? The Whee! Way can help you ground your identity and transition with grace.

Dave Kwok, Principal

For many years of my life, grim self-discipline was my only self-improvement tool. Not only was it marginally effective, it drained my soul. I was in my late 20s before I was exposed to professional coaching, and for the past 20 years I’ve benefitted from the focused attention of wise counselors: executive coaches, spiritual directors and therapists. I am so grateful for the space they created for me to articulate and nurture my inner life. Through these experiences, I have slowly learned that meaningful change starts from the inside-out and requires gentle nurturing of the soul.